
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras II - Contemplative Virtues

This is the second and final segment of my presentation of the Golden Verses of Pythagoras. These are the contemplative virtues. I strongly recommend reading the first part before continuing [in case you haven't read it]. Pythagoras developed into a mythical figure as time passed, he began to be perceived as more than human, with a universal learning, it is said that he studied geometry and astronomy with Anoximander, hieroglyphic symbolism with the priests of Egypt, the science of dreams with Hebrew masters and he also studied with Arabs, the Chaldean of Babylon and even with Zoroaster, for studying his life/philosophy I suggest you read Diogenes Laertius, Porphyry and Iamblichus among others. Now, his mythical persona greatly diminished, being exchanged for the more easily believable verions.

Philosophy is useless if you don't use it, live a life according to the high principles that permeated through our world from the higher realms of human and divine knowledge.If you believe in God, in whatever form he may be, try to follow the light of the mind, try to do good and think good thoughts, if you don't believe in God try to view these texts as possibilities to get to know a world enriched with the beauty of knowledge and love and "nothing in this world shall be hidden from you".

48. But never start any work, before praying to the gods to accomplish what you are going to begin.
49. When all these will be well known to you,
50. You will understand the constitution of the Immortal Gods and of men,
51. and how far the different beings extend, and what contains and binds them together.
52. You will likewise know that according to Law, the nature of this universe is in all things alike,
53. So that you shall not hope what thou ought not to hope; and nothing in this world shall be hidden from you.
54. You will likewise know, that men draw upon themselves their own misfortunes voluntarily, and of their own free choice.
55. The unfortunate, they neither see nor understand that their good is near them.
56. Few learned how to deliver themselves out of their misfortunes.
57. Such is the fate that blinds mankind, and takes away their senses.
58. Like huge cylinders they roll to and fro, and always oppressed with ills innumerable.
59. For fatal strife (hatred), innate, pursues them everywhere, tossing them up and down without them perceiving it;
60. instead of provoking and stirring it up, they ought to banish it.
61. Oh! Jupiter (Zeus), our Father! if you would deliver men from all the evils that oppress them,
62. and show them all, the Daemon they make use of.
63. But you, take courage; and know that the human race is divine.
64. Sacred nature reveals to men all her mysteries.
65. If she imparts to you her secrets, you will easily perform all the things which I have ordained you.
66. And by healing your soul, you will deliver it from all evils, from all afflictions.
67. But abstain from the food, which we have forbidden in the purifications and in the deliverance of the soul; [this element is seen in many religions and spiritual movements, it surely wasn't created by Pythagoras; healthy eating is also obviously recommended by non-spiritual people]
68. Make a just distinction of them, and examine all things well.
69. Letting yourself always to be guided by the understanding that comes from above
70. And when, after leaving your mortal body, you will arrive at the most pure Aether,
71. You shall be like a God, immortal, incorruptible, and Death shall have no more dominion over you.

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