
Saturday Special : Notre Dame de Paris 1999

Notre Dame de Paris, French version from 1999

This French language musical debuted in Paris in 1998. Based on the novel published by Victor Hugo in 1831, Luc Plamondon created together with composer Riccardo Cocciante one of the most successful such shows in history. Its popularity grew and versions in other languages soon were produced. This 1999 version remains in my opinion the best because it is the only one which successfully transmits the emotional power of the story.

- The cast -

Gringoir / Гренгуар: Bruno Pelletier / Брюно Пельтье
Frollo / Фролло: Daniel Lavoie / Даниель Лавуа
Quasimodo / Квазимодо: Garou / Гару
Fleus-de-Lys / Флер-де-Лис: Julie Zenatti / Жюли Зенатти
Clopin / Клопен: Luc Mervil / Люк Мервиль
Phoebus/ Феб: Patrick Fiori / Патрик Фиори
Esmeralda / Эсмеральда: Helene Segara / Элен Сегара

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