
Thothpedia - Wisdom

    The basic definition of wisdom can be found by linking it with philosophy becoming a result of the philosophical undertaking. In all schools of thought and religions around the world wisdom was and is the noblest of pearls. There is no clear definition of wisdom mainly because there is no exact way to measure it or to acquire it.
     Ancient Egyptians had a God, Sia, representing the concept of wisdom, often being shown in anthropomorphic form while holding a papyrus scroll. The hieroglyph with the same name also stand for "to perceive" and "to know". Similar gods are Seshat and Thoth.
     Confucius identified three methods of gaining wisdom, the noble form was reflection, the easiest was imitation and the hardest was experience. He also said: "Love of learning is akin to wisdom".
     Western philosophy from antiquity was centered around wisdom, the name philosophy actually means "love of wisdom". For Socrates and Plato it was necessary to understand the "Form of the Good", for Aristotle it was an understanding of causes.
     An important element of Christian and Islamic teachings, wisdom is cherished by members of both religions, being regarded as a gift of understanding, separated from secular wisdom. In Judaism, wisdom is a high virtue along with kindness and justice.

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